Kas Covid-19 vaktsineerimine on verevedeldajat kasutavale inimesele ohutu?

Kas Covid-19 vaktsineerimine on verevedeldajat kasutavale inimesele ohutu?

Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla sisekliiniku juhataja dr Kai Sukles räägib, kas verevedeldajat tarvitavale inimesele on ohutu teha Covid-19 vastast vaktsiini. Vaata ka videot.

Verevedeldajat kasutavaid patsiente on Eestis üle 30 000 ja viimastel nädalatel on tihti küsitud, kas süstitavat Covid-19 vaktsiini on ohutu teha patsientidele, kes tarvitavad verevedeldajat. Kas mitte ei tekitata sellega veritsust? Kiirelt vastates: kõik on lubatud, mingit verejooksuriski ei ole.

Peatun erinevate verevedeldajate juures ja rahvusvahelise tromboosiühingu soovitustel.

Eestis on umbes 30 000 inimest, kes tarvitavad igapäevaselt hüübimissüsteemi mõjutavaid ravimeid ehk antikoagulante. Enamik neist kasutab uusi antikoagulante, inimesed tunnevad neid järgmiste nimetuste all: Pradaxa, Eliquis, Xarelto ja Lixiana. Kui te tarvitate nimetatud ravimeid, siis võite end rahulikult ja turvaliselt vaktsineerida Covid-19 vastu. Te ei pea katkestama oma verevedeldaja tarvitamist ka mitte sellel päeval, kui te lähete vaktsineerima.

Soovitus on, et kui tehakse peene nõelaga lihasesisene süst õlavarde, siis võib kaks kuni viis minutit kergelt vajutada süstekoha peale, et ei tekiks verevalumit. Rõhutan, et kindlasti ei tohi seda kohta hõõruda.

Meil on veel neid patsiente, kes kasutavad varfariini ehk marevaani, neile inimestele on oluline teada, et nende INR oleks terapeutilises vahemikus ehk 2-3. Kui varfariini ravi on efektiivne ja ohutu, siis vaktsineerimisele ei ole mitte mingeid vastunäidustusi.

Osa, just kasvajaga seotud, tromboosiga patsiente tarvitab süstitavaid verevedeldajaid ehk Ziborit või Clexane. Ka nendel patsientidel on lubatud end vaktsineerida Covidi vastu, piiranguid ei ole.

Kutsun ülesse kõiki patsiente, kellel on antikoagulant ehk verd vedeldav ravi, vaktsineerima ennast Covid-19 vastu. Nii suudate kaitsta ennast ja enda perekonda. Nii suudame pidurdada haiguse arengut.

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2441 kommentaari

Cindy Martins
01.11.23 04:19

My name is Cindy Martins I am from Atlanta US , I am here to share the good works of Dr sakomo on how he helped me to bring back my Boy friend within 72 hours, My boy friend was planning to end our relationship, because he said he tired of me and that he want to be with another lady from Spain, we have been dating for 3 years now and we were planning our marriage but when he broke the news to me that he is ending our relationship i was in deep shock, confused, i can't believe what he told me, i went in search for a help online then i saw this testimony of Dr sakomo how he helped one lady to bring back his boyfriend back within 48 hours, i contacted him and told him my situation, he promised to helped me and bring back my ex boyfriend, to my greatest surprised my boyfriend came back to me begging after Dr sakomo used a powerful voodoo on him, all thanks to Dr sakomo for his great voodoo/black magic, you can contact dr sakomo through his contact details on: whatsapp +905467725889 Email him at: drsakomo@gmail.com,
His website:https://drsakomolovespellhome.net/index
Cindy Martins
01.11.23 04:19

My name is Cindy Martins I am from Atlanta US , I am here to share the good works of Dr sakomo on how he helped me to bring back my Boy friend within 72 hours, My boy friend was planning to end our relationship, because he said he tired of me and that he want to be with another lady from Spain, we have been dating for 3 years now and we were planning our marriage but when he broke the news to me that he is ending our relationship i was in deep shock, confused, i can't believe what he told me, i went in search for a help online then i saw this testimony of Dr sakomo how he helped one lady to bring back his boyfriend back within 48 hours, i contacted him and told him my situation, he promised to helped me and bring back my ex boyfriend, to my greatest surprised my boyfriend came back to me begging after Dr sakomo used a powerful voodoo on him, all thanks to Dr sakomo for his great voodoo/black magic, you can contact dr sakomo through his contact details on: whatsapp +905467725889 Email him at: drsakomo@gmail.com,
His website:https://drsakomolovespellhome.net/index
Jason Sandra
31.10.23 15:54
Contacting Muyern Trust Hacker was surprisingly straightforward. Unlike the cloak-and-dagger portrayals in movies, there were no secret handshakes or hidden passages involved. A simple email exchange and a phone call later, I found myself discussing the details of my situation with their team. Their compassionate yet no-nonsense approach put me at ease, assuring me that I was in capable hands. Trust forms the bedrock of any healthy relationship. It's the glue that holds couples together through thick and thin. In my case, the suspicions I harbored were threatening to erode this foundation of trust. Seeking the truth was not only about confirming my suspicions but also about reclaiming the trust that had been shaken. Remember, seeking the truth is a personal journey that requires careful consideration and, at times, professional assistance. While it may be a difficult path to tread, it is essential for one's well-being and the future of their relationship. After all, as the saying goes, knowledge is power, even when it comes to matters of the heart. I am glad that I found out about my wife's infidelity with the assistance of Muyern Trust Hacker. To reach Muyern Trust Hacker, 
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