Kas Covid-19 vaktsineerimine on verevedeldajat kasutavale inimesele ohutu?

Kas Covid-19 vaktsineerimine on verevedeldajat kasutavale inimesele ohutu?

Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla sisekliiniku juhataja dr Kai Sukles räägib, kas verevedeldajat tarvitavale inimesele on ohutu teha Covid-19 vastast vaktsiini. Vaata ka videot.

Verevedeldajat kasutavaid patsiente on Eestis üle 30 000 ja viimastel nädalatel on tihti küsitud, kas süstitavat Covid-19 vaktsiini on ohutu teha patsientidele, kes tarvitavad verevedeldajat. Kas mitte ei tekitata sellega veritsust? Kiirelt vastates: kõik on lubatud, mingit verejooksuriski ei ole.

Peatun erinevate verevedeldajate juures ja rahvusvahelise tromboosiühingu soovitustel.

Eestis on umbes 30 000 inimest, kes tarvitavad igapäevaselt hüübimissüsteemi mõjutavaid ravimeid ehk antikoagulante. Enamik neist kasutab uusi antikoagulante, inimesed tunnevad neid järgmiste nimetuste all: Pradaxa, Eliquis, Xarelto ja Lixiana. Kui te tarvitate nimetatud ravimeid, siis võite end rahulikult ja turvaliselt vaktsineerida Covid-19 vastu. Te ei pea katkestama oma verevedeldaja tarvitamist ka mitte sellel päeval, kui te lähete vaktsineerima.

Soovitus on, et kui tehakse peene nõelaga lihasesisene süst õlavarde, siis võib kaks kuni viis minutit kergelt vajutada süstekoha peale, et ei tekiks verevalumit. Rõhutan, et kindlasti ei tohi seda kohta hõõruda.

Meil on veel neid patsiente, kes kasutavad varfariini ehk marevaani, neile inimestele on oluline teada, et nende INR oleks terapeutilises vahemikus ehk 2-3. Kui varfariini ravi on efektiivne ja ohutu, siis vaktsineerimisele ei ole mitte mingeid vastunäidustusi.

Osa, just kasvajaga seotud, tromboosiga patsiente tarvitab süstitavaid verevedeldajaid ehk Ziborit või Clexane. Ka nendel patsientidel on lubatud end vaktsineerida Covidi vastu, piiranguid ei ole.

Kutsun ülesse kõiki patsiente, kellel on antikoagulant ehk verd vedeldav ravi, vaktsineerima ennast Covid-19 vastu. Nii suudate kaitsta ennast ja enda perekonda. Nii suudame pidurdada haiguse arengut.

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2441 kommentaari

Harry Peterson
01.11.23 22:27
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Email: fundsrecoverychambers at gmail dot com
Harry Peterson
01.11.23 22:26
I highly recommend the service of FUNDS RECOVERY CHAMBERS Solution for a fantastic job at recovering my life savings which I naively put in a fake crypto investment scheme. I had a stressful situation going on and they were so patient with me and did help me through this. The staff members are very legit and good in explanation email them on fundsrecoverychambers at gmail dot com , not just classifying the problem and charging not without good response. I must commend them for recovering my money from the people who stole from me. If you are ever in need of such service, you can contact them via: (fundsrecoverychambers@gmail.com) “Thank you for your hard work, I really appreciate that you have been able to get my funds recovered, Their transparency and commitment to my recovery were admirable throughout the entire process even with the cost being fair. I am sending this testimony to affirm the legitimacy.
Email: fundsrecoverychambers at gmail dot com
01.11.23 14:10
HOW I GOT CURED FROM PCOS & OVARIAN CYST. ( marianspells@gmail.com )

I am sharing this to give hope to those who are probably struggling from PCOS/Ovarian cyst on how they can be cured just like me. I was diagnosed with PCOS/OVARIAN CYST and I remember how broken I was when my doctor told me it would be difficult to conceive naturally and PCOS was a lifelong disease [ as the doctor puts it here ] I was devastated and confused. I had excessive weight, Irregular periods, Acne and a 10cm cyst accompanied by lots of pain. It wasn’t an easy journey for me. Although my husband was supportive, I really needed to have my own child and get rid of PCOS/OVARIAN CYST. How long do I have to wait to have my own child? When will this severe pain end? Sitting on my balcony and doing research with my phone, I bumped into a testimonial of Dr MARIAN about curing diverse ailments with natural herbs. I was hopeful and felt some slight relief, then I decided to reach out. I was happy I did. HE prepared a medication using herbs and roots which was delivered to me through courier services. I took the medication as prescribed, My cyst was gone completely and I was able to get rid of PCOS within three weeks [21days] of taking the herbal medication made from some selected herbs and roots. My doctor confirmed I was free from PCOS & CYST. Not so long after the treatment, I was confirmed to be pregnant naturally and I was able to conceive and had my first child. It was a massive joy for me and my Husband and I decided to put in more testimonies about the herbal doctor [Dr. MARIAN] cause i know there are people whom are in need of help also. I didn’t have to undergo surgery, everything worked out naturally. DR MARIAN i want you to know the service you provide no doubt changes the life’s of so many of us. Such an amazing service and I’m very thankful for having found You and i appreciate your time and effort in helping me. Dr MARIAN also specializes in curing: Infertility, Herpes, Endometriosis, Fibroid, Cancer, Hepatitis, COPD, IBS, DIABETES, and lots more.


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