Reflukshaigus ja rasedus 11.06.18 / Perearst

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Lgp. Dokotor!
Mõni aeg tagasi kirjutasin teile seoses mao probleemidega. 2015 a diagnoositi mul kaebuste ja gastroskoopia põhjal ösofagiidita tagasivooluhaigus.Tegin aegajalt omeprasooli kuure, kuid olulist abi ei saand. Natuke aitas kui langetasin kehakaalu 10 kg, enesetunne läks paremaks. Nüüd olen aga lapse ootel 9 nädalat ja sümptomid on süvenenud. Murelikuks teeb see, et hetkel pole veel kasvavt kõhtu tekkinud ja kui juba praegu on enesetunne halb , mis siis kõhu kasvades veel tuleb, kardan, et võivad tekkida haavandid jne. Hetkel on elukvalittet rikutud, igapäevasteks sümptomiteks on rinnakuvalu, hapukas maitse suus, hommikul ärgates tühja kõhuga röhatised ja keel on hommikul peale ärkamist valge. Samas reaalseid kurku tulevaid kõrvetisi mul ei ole. Esimest korda gatsroskoopias diagnoositi ka seen söögitorus, mille ma välja ravisin ja kordus gastroskoopias seent enam ei leitud. Hetkel on nii, et arst ei luba muud mao rohtu võtta kui renni, aga peale renni võtmist tekib mul iiveldus tunne. Nüüd ikkagi mõtlen kas tegu on üle või alahappesusega, kui renni ajab iiveldama, aga kui oleks alahappesus, siis ei tohiks põletatvat tunnet rinnakus olla ja kas ma saan õigesti aru, et valge keel on siiski hommikul öösel tekkinud maohappest?
Mul on teile küsimus, mida te soovitaksite mulle, kuidas raseduse ajal mao probleeme leevendada? Gastroskoopia tehti viimati 2016 juuni, kas oleks mõtet seda praegu uuesti korrata, kui ensetunne koguaeg kehv on? Millest ma võiksin abi saada, ravimite võtmine hetkel on piiratud. Kas võivad selllised kaebused tuleneda ka söögitoruseenest?
Viimasel gastroskoopial arst ütles, et maos pidi ka sappi olema,aga muidu olid limaskestad normis,kardia funktsioon tavaline, kuid histoloogilselt leiti kerge krooniline gastriit.

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Madis Veskimägi

dr Madis Veskimägi


Tõstamaa Tervisekeskus

Tere !
Tänan usalduse eest. Kui kuidagi ei saa, siis ohutuks vahendiks on Almagel või sellesarnane toode. See on mikstuur, mis moodustab mao ja söögitoru peale kaitsva kihi ja happeliiast tingitud vaevused pole häirivad.
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Madis Veskimägi
Almagel during pregnancy
Pregnancy → Treatment during pregnancy → Almagel during pregnancy - instructions for use, reviews
Almagel during pregnancy - instructions for use, reviews
During the gestation of a toddler, a woman often experiences new, unfamiliar sensations. Often with heartburn, it's the first time & bdquo; becoming acquainted & rdquo; , being pregnant. More often this problem worries expectant mothers in the second half of the term and delays discomfort. What is the cause of the problem? What to do to eliminate heartburn? And will the known Almagel help in the situation?

Causes of heartburn during pregnancy
It is generally believed that the presence of heartburn in a future mother is the appearance of hairs on the head of the fetus. But gastroenterologists have their own opinion about the causes of heartburn in pregnant women. The mechanism of heartburn is this: hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice after ingestion is thrown into the esophagus, which causes an unpleasant sensation.

There are two reasons for this face-off:

Fetal growth, uterus enlargement, its upward movement presses on the stomach. Its volume decreases, and at the time of food intake, its part is thrown into the esophagus.
During pregnancy, the level of progesterone rises, that weakens all muscles, including the pylorus of the stomach (sphincter). With normal sphincter tension, food does not come back from the stomach into the esophagus, and when the sphincter is relaxed, it becomes possible.
How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy
To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to eat more often, but in smaller portions so as not to create overflow in the stomach. After eating, never lie down, so as not to create a condition for the reverse entry of food from the stomach into the esophagus. Sit or walk around 20 minutes and thus you will reduce the deposition of digested calories. The exclusion from the diet of fried and fatty, acute and acidic foods will also serve as a prophylaxis of heartburn.

If it does, pregnant women should take medications, containing antacids and neutralizing hydrochloric acid. Almagel belongs to antacids.

He is assigned to future mothers and to ease heartburn, and to relieve toxemia. However, please note that taking Almagel should not take more than three days. One of the side effects of taking the drug is sometimes constipation. Therefore, do not abuse this medication.

Almagel is released in the form of a gel, which allows the drug to be evenly distributed throughout the stomach and prolong the duration of the action. Usually, relief of heartburn occurs five minutes after taking the medicine. Contraindications to its use in pregnant women are kidney diseases and sensitivity to the components of Almagel.

In general, the reviews of pregnant women about taking the drug are positive. Almagel has been tested not by one generation, and its reception really facilitates the state of expectant mothers. Its components in the blood do not fall, so it serves as a safe helper in the fight against heartburn with small doses of consumption. Medical research confirmed the effectiveness of Almagel.

Almagel during pregnancy: instruction
Each drug has its own recommendations for use. When pregnancy Almagel is ingested. Immediately before use, the vial of the gel should be shaken. Take a drug should be 1-2 teaspoons 30 minutes before eating, you can and before bed.

It should be borne in mind that for an effective exposure to the drug for an hour after its use can not drink. It is also recommended to lie down immediately after its reception, in order to increase the enveloping properties of Almagel.

An important point! During the use of this drug, women need to stop breastfeeding (if this happens). This is due to the fact that Almagel's influence on mother's milk and the child has not been studied enough.

So, Almagel will serve as an assistant to the future mother in eliminating heartburn. But you should appoint your doctor your doctor. He individually adjusts the dosage of the drug

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Madis Veskimägi

Vastas dr Madis Veskimägi

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