Kas Covid-19 vaktsineerimine on verevedeldajat kasutavale inimesele ohutu?

Kas Covid-19 vaktsineerimine on verevedeldajat kasutavale inimesele ohutu?

Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla sisekliiniku juhataja dr Kai Sukles räägib, kas verevedeldajat tarvitavale inimesele on ohutu teha Covid-19 vastast vaktsiini. Vaata ka videot.

Verevedeldajat kasutavaid patsiente on Eestis üle 30 000 ja viimastel nädalatel on tihti küsitud, kas süstitavat Covid-19 vaktsiini on ohutu teha patsientidele, kes tarvitavad verevedeldajat. Kas mitte ei tekitata sellega veritsust? Kiirelt vastates: kõik on lubatud, mingit verejooksuriski ei ole.

Peatun erinevate verevedeldajate juures ja rahvusvahelise tromboosiühingu soovitustel.

Eestis on umbes 30 000 inimest, kes tarvitavad igapäevaselt hüübimissüsteemi mõjutavaid ravimeid ehk antikoagulante. Enamik neist kasutab uusi antikoagulante, inimesed tunnevad neid järgmiste nimetuste all: Pradaxa, Eliquis, Xarelto ja Lixiana. Kui te tarvitate nimetatud ravimeid, siis võite end rahulikult ja turvaliselt vaktsineerida Covid-19 vastu. Te ei pea katkestama oma verevedeldaja tarvitamist ka mitte sellel päeval, kui te lähete vaktsineerima.

Soovitus on, et kui tehakse peene nõelaga lihasesisene süst õlavarde, siis võib kaks kuni viis minutit kergelt vajutada süstekoha peale, et ei tekiks verevalumit. Rõhutan, et kindlasti ei tohi seda kohta hõõruda.

Meil on veel neid patsiente, kes kasutavad varfariini ehk marevaani, neile inimestele on oluline teada, et nende INR oleks terapeutilises vahemikus ehk 2-3. Kui varfariini ravi on efektiivne ja ohutu, siis vaktsineerimisele ei ole mitte mingeid vastunäidustusi.

Osa, just kasvajaga seotud, tromboosiga patsiente tarvitab süstitavaid verevedeldajaid ehk Ziborit või Clexane. Ka nendel patsientidel on lubatud end vaktsineerida Covidi vastu, piiranguid ei ole.

Kutsun ülesse kõiki patsiente, kellel on antikoagulant ehk verd vedeldav ravi, vaktsineerima ennast Covid-19 vastu. Nii suudate kaitsta ennast ja enda perekonda. Nii suudame pidurdada haiguse arengut.

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2331 kommentaari

Jacqueline Ashley
13.08.23 03:27
What a wonderful world we are living in, I still doubt this spell caster how he did it!!! I am so happy to let the whole world know how this powerful spell caster saved my marriage.Everything was going down the drain as my husband could not stop cheating on me with other women. It became used to always heating on me. I tried to make him stop, but I couldn't help the situation, the more I tried, the harder it became. At times we will fight and go apart for some months and we will come back again just because of our kids. One day a friend told me about this spell caster who helped her too, his name is Dr.oku, she said he uses white magic spells to solve spiritual problems. I decided to give it a try, I contacted him and he told me it will take just 2 to 3 days and I will see great changes in my husband. He actually cast a spell, believe me after 2 to 3 days of the spell, my husband was confessing different names of women he has slept with. He begged for forgiveness and never to try it again. From that day till now, my mind is at rest. My husband dislikes every other woman on earth except me. And am so happy to have him for myself alone.The spell caster’s contact is okutemple@gmail.com or add him on whatsapp +2348163425519
13.08.23 03:03

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13.08.23 03:01


I rarely write reviews, but I had to for this!
if you are in need of a spell caster to help you with your Situation, First I would advise you to beware of offers on the internet as well as announcements. Observe carefully because 90% of these ads are fraud uses. Today there are more and more scams. I wanted  a spell to get back my Lover, after placing an ad, every day I received different inboxes from scammers demanding for huge amount of money to help me and I suppressed their message. But one day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony thanking a Spell caster called DR MARIAN for bringing back her lover into her life again, then I looked at the email, I was afraid to contact her because i have been scammed a lot of times by scammers who stole about $15,000 in Total from me. I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was giving the testimony and communicated with her on phone calls before she started telling me her own story about how DR MARIAN helped her to Restore her Marriage, she told me everything to do and gave me assurance it was real, then I made up my mind and emailed the Spell caster called DR MARIAN, though i thought it was a part of the net crooks, but to my surprise it was different, Before i could share her my problems, she has already told me what i came for, And she said everything will be okay that within 48hours my lover will be back to my arms, So i hoped and to my greatest surprise, before the 48hours i got a call from a man who had left me for the past 1 year saying he is sorry and he wants me back, i was happy and i said i also want him back. Then i traveled to Canada to meet up with him, And he apologized for what he has done, Now he proposed to marry me and we are both preparing for our wedding soon. I can confirm that it happened and if you're looking for a Good spell caster online, DR MARIAN is the right choice as she has proven to me that there are still legit spell casters out there. If you are having relationship issues, I advise you contact her via:

Email: marianspells@gmail.com

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