POLPALA 16.01.06 / Uroloogia

Külastaja küsib:

Eelnev küsimus huvitas ka mind ja leidsin antud taime mõju lühikirjelduse. Selgub, et see taim ei oma siiski diureetilist toimet nagu reklaamitud tervisepoodides. Ingl. tekst oli järgmine:

Does Aerua lanata have diuretic properties?

Goonaratna C, Thabrew I, Wijewardena K.

Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

We have compared the diuretic activity of 200 ml of sucrose flavoured aqueous extract of the herb Aerua lanata with that of 200 ml sucrose flavoured weak infusion of tea leaves, and 200 ml of water, in 14 healthy volunteers under standardized conditions. Each volunteer acted as his or her own control in the three protocols, and chemical, physical and statistical analyses were performed "blind" by coding all urine and blood samples collected. A. lanata extract did not significantly increase urine flow, sodium excretion, potassium excretion, or urine and plasma osmolality as compared to an infusion of tea or plain water

Arst vastas:

dr Ülo Zirel


Põhja Eesti Regionaalhaigla, uroloogia osakond

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Ravimtaim POLPALA-lad.aeura lanata

Kuidas hindate sellise taime, nagu Sri Lanka metsiku rohttaime POLPALA kasutamist meie elanikkonna seas ja millistes kogustes seda tarbida võiks? Kas ja kunas soovitate kasutada?

Vastas dr Ülo Zirel

ei ole kuulnud sellisest ravimtaimest ja ei oska kommenteerida.
Ülo Zirel

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