Estonian Headache Society’s annual meeting 2015: International Headache Society’s Visiting Professor

Estonian Headache Society’s annual meeting:

International Headache Society’s Visiting Professor


Tartu Dorpati konverentsikeskus / Dorpat Conference Centre

Tartu, Estonia


Eesti Peavalu Selts (EPS) koostöös Rahvusvahelise Peavalu Seltsiga (IHS) kutsub Teid osa võtma EPS aastakonverentsi raames toimuvast interaktiivsest täienduskoolitusest. Üritus on pühendatud olulistele igapäevastele peavaludega seotud teemadele, mida esitavad rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud peavalu eksperdid:

Estonian Headache Society in collaboration with International Headache Society’s Visiting Professor Program invites you to participate in an interactive educational day devoted to important everyday headache related topics presented by internationally recognized headache experts: 

Prof. Alan Rapoport, USA and Prof. Arne May, Germany


09:30-10:15 Registration

10:15-10:30 Welcome message


Diagnostics in headache: your patient wants a scan, do you want it too? Prof. Arne May.


Chronic migraine with medication overuse headache. Prof. Alan Rapoport.

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:30 Pros and cons session: computer versus physician in diagnosing headache.

            Introducing the PRILEVEL online-questionnaire. dr. Kati Toom.

1. A computer can diagnose headache much better than most physiciansProf. Alan Rapoport.

2. No computer can compete with a physician’s diagnosis of headache.  Prof. Arne May.


Treating acute migraine. Prof. Alan Rapoport.

15:00-15:20 Coffee break


Step-by-step treatment of easy and difficult headache cases. Prof. Arne May.

16:00 -17:00

Headache cases. by participants. 20 minutes per case.

17:00-17:10 Closing remarks

17:10 EPS üldkoosolek

Registreerumine/ Registration